- settle
- Synonyms and related words:KO, abalienate, abide, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, affirm, afford proof of, agree on, agree with, alien, alienate, alight, alight upon, allay, amortize, anchor, answer, answer conclusively, appoint, argue down, arrange, arrange matters, ascertain, assign, assimilate to, assure, attend to, balance, barter, be guided by, beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, becalm, bed, bend, bequeath, best, billet at, bivouac, blast, blot out, bring home to, bring to terms, bring together, bump off, burrow, calm, calm down, camp, cave, cave in, cede, certify, chart, chime in with, choose, cinch, clarify, classify, clean up, clear, clear off, clear up, climb down, clinch, close, close with, codify, colonize, come down, come down on, come to anchor, comply, comply with, compose, compound, compromise, concert, conclude, confer, confirm, conform, confound, confute, consign, contradict, controvert, convey, cook, coordinate, cop out, correct, correspond, croak, crush, decide, decline, deed, deed over, deep-dye, defeat, define, deliver, demise, demolish, demonstrate, denizen, deny, descend, descend upon, destroy, determine, devolve upon, discharge, discipline, dish, dismiss, dismiss all doubt, dismount, dispose, dispose of, dive, do for, do in, domesticate, droop, drop, drop anchor, drop on, drub, duck responsibility, dwell, embed, empeople, enfeoff, engraft, engrave, ensconce, ensure, entrench, erase, establish, establish residence, etch, evade responsibility, exchange, fall, fall in with, fall on, figure, find, find out, finish, fit, fix, fix on, fix up, floor, flop, flop down, flump, flump down, follow, follow from, found, founder, gear to, get, get at, get down, get off, give, give and take, give it to, give the business, give title to, give way, go by, go down, go fifty-fifty, gravitate, ground, gun down, hand, hand down, hand on, hand over, harmonize, have a case, head, heal the breach, hide, hit, hit upon, hive, hold good, hold water, honor, hors de combat, ice, impact, implant, impress, imprint, incline, infix, ingrain, inhabit, inscribe, install, insure, jam, keep house, knock out, lambaste, land, lapse, lather, lay, lay out, lead, lean, lick, lift, light, light upon, liquidate, live, live at, locate, lodge, lose altitude, lower, lull, make a deal, make a decision, make accounts square, make an adjustment, make certain, make concessions, make conform, make good, make no doubt, make no mistake, make out, make over, make peace, make sure, make sure of, make up, mediate, meet, meet halfway, methodize, mold, moor, move, nail down, negotiate, nest, nonplus, normalize, nose-dive, observe, off, order, organize, outclass, outdo, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, pack, park, parry, pass, pass on, pass over, patch things up, patch up, pay, pay in full, pay off, pay out, pay the bill, pay the shot, pay up, people, perch, pick, pioneer, place, plan, plant, play politics, plop, plop down, plump, plunge, point, polish off, populate, precipitate, print, prove, prove to be, prove true, purpose, put, put down, put in tune, put to silence, quiet, quiet down, quieten, quit, rationalize, reach a compromise, reassure, rebut, reconcile, rectify, redeem, reduce to silence, refute, regularize, regulate, relax, relocate, remain, remove all doubt, reside, resolve, restore harmony, retire, reunite, roost, root, routinize, rub off corners, rub out, ruin, rule, sag, satisfy, scuttle, seal, seat, see that, see to it, select, sell, serve one out, set, set at rest, set down, set in, set to rights, set up housekeeping, set up shop, settle differences, settle down, settle in, settle on, settle the matter, settle the score, settle with, shape, shoot down, show, shut up, sign away, sign over, silence, sink, sink down, sit, sit down, skin, skin alive, slouch, slump, slump down, smash all opposition, smooth it over, soothe, sort out, split the difference, square, square accounts, squash, squat, squelch, stamp, stand, standardize, stay, stay at, stereotype, stick, still, straighten, straighten out, strike a balance, strike a bargain, strike root, strike upon, submerge, subside, subvert, suit, surrender, swag, synchronize, systematize, take a resolution, take care of, take residence at, take root, take the mean, take up, take up residence, tally with, tend, tend to go, thrash, torpedo, touch down, trade, tranquilize, transfer, transmit, trim, triumph over, trounce, tune, tune up, turn over, undermine, undo, unhorse, upset, waste, wedge, whip, will, wind up, wipe out, work out, worst, yield, zap
Moby Thesaurus. Grady Ward. 1996.